Tuesday, February 15, 2011

☯ ♥ ✌UrbanLegendS: The Tale behind 4/20☯ ♥ ✌

Whats 4/20 it is Known as....

"pothead day''..."NationalWeedDay''..."theGreatSmokeOut''...''GettingHighDay''...."IamStonedDay''
"Puff Puff and Pass Day''
Just to Name a FEW..........

☯ ♥ ✌LOv3,P3aCe,and WeeD☯ ♥ ✌

The meaning~4/20 ((let me put my B**** down for a min))

420, indeed, was thought of years ago as the time of day some people got together to smoke pot. Now it is used as code for "Let's go get high." Also, some people consider it to be April 20th that is "National Pot Smoking Day."
I prefer all of the above

It was Originally 420 was created by the waldo's in 1971 they would get together that day and smoke weed and has been this way since Im not entirely sure but california is the ONLY State that Legalized the use of Marijuana for Medical purpose ((dont we all have something wrong))....Canada is the only country ((as far as I know)) that Legalized Marijuana for medical purposes...also

SO to all You Potheads,Stoners,Weedheads,Keep on smoking anit nothing wrong with not caring about the day as long as there is no DRUG TEST invovled later LOL....

☯ ♥ ✌LOv3,P3aCe,and WeeD☯ ♥ ✌

"Happy Weed Day 2011."
April 20,2011